What’s in a Trad Wife?

What’s in a Trad Wife?

How many young adult women today, armed with an education and ability to provide for themselves, would willingly embrace the life of a full-time, traditional housewife? While many might shrug and some might take offense, a small yet growing number of Millennial and...
Relationship Advice from a Robot

Relationship Advice from a Robot

Would you take relationship advice from a bot? A recent Institute for Family Studies blog post by data science consultant Bradford Tuckfield suggests that with recent advancements in AI, you may have to ask yourself that question sooner than later. GPT-3 (Generative...
Respect for Marriage Act

Respect for Marriage Act

On November 16, 2022, the U.S. Senate invoked cloture on the Respect for Marriage Act (RFMA), split 62-37, with 60 votes needed to end the filibuster and pass the bill. RFMA is set to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) passed by Congress in 1996, which defined...
Unleash A Marriage Revival

Unleash A Marriage Revival

In its online journal Public Discourse, the Witherspoon Institute outlined some concrete proposals for reviving marriage in the United States, borrowing from the recently published second edition of Marriage and the Public Good: Ten Principles. Seven years after...
Relational Investments and Sexual Consumerism

Relational Investments and Sexual Consumerism

In 2011, sociologist Mark Regnerus proposed that sex had become cheap – accessing it came to require less “emotional and financial investment” from men. While some have interpreted this idea as sexist or denigrating to women it is rather accurately...