2022 SIU
Sexuality, integrity, and the university
National collegiate Conference


2022 Speakers’ Talks

Angela Blair

Waiting for marriage: Countercultural decisions in dating and love


 Our 2022 SIU master of ceremonies.  As the host of the podcast All Strings Attached and a past contestant on ‘Ready for Love,’ Angela uses her platform to promote chastity and thoughtful dating. Don’t miss her personal story of waiting for marriage

Anthony Bradley



Fathers are linked to better outcomes on nearly every measure of child wellbeing, from cognitive development and educational achievement to self-esteem and pro-social behavior, according to a University of Texas study. Children who grow up with involved fathers are: 39% more likely to earn mostly A’s in school, 45% less likely to repeat a grade, 60% less likely to be suspended or expelled from school, twice as likely to go to college and find stable employment after high school, 75% less likely to have a teen birth, and 80% less likely to spend time in jail. This session explores the data and more, best practices in the home, and the implications for a flourishing society.


Children’s rights must shape family policy 

Law, technology, and culture have radically changed.  Who children are, and what they need to thrive has not. The two adults responsible for a child’s existence maximize child outcomes and development. That has implications for matters surrounding the definition of marriage, questions about divorce, the promotion of same-sex parenting, the use of reproductive technologies, and how to properly think about adoption.  When we honor children’s rights, we get these questions right. When we disregard their rights, children, and all of society, suffers.

LFN Love Knot

Alan Hawkins

Capstones vs. Cornerstones: Is Marrying Early Really a Divorce Disaster Waiting to Happen?

A large majority of young adults now believe that postponing marriage to their late 20s or 30s is an important way to form a successful marriage because it gives them time to finish their education, gain some financial stability, get youthful adventures out of their system, and find their true selves. But as often as we hear about the advantages of “capstone” marriage, there has been little empirical investigation of those purported advantages. In this presentation, Dr. Hawkins will put capstone marriage to the test, comparing marital outcomes of those who marry earlier and later. Finding few differences – and when there are differences, they usually favor early marrieds – he will explore the possibilities for opening up more cultural space for “cornerstone” marriages in the 21st century.


Catherine Pakaluk

Women Who Put Family Before Career


Dr. Pakaluk presentation is be based on her latest research project and soon-to-be published book, “Hannah’s Children: American Women Quietly Defying the Birth Dearth, and What it Means for the Future of the Nation.”


LFN Love Knot
LFN Love Knot

carl Trueman

What is human? How the modern word dehumanizes us and how we must respond

In this talk I will discuss how the notion of what it means to be a human person has changed over time, how that has profoundly changed how we think of our own identities, what factors play into this, what we need to understand about our contemporary context, and what we might do to respond.